Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11: Put Em Up

Hunter has picked up the fine art of fighting at day care. I think it may be from the older boys. So now he is all about punching, he wants to fight and this little guy packs a punch! I do not know how the other little kids can just sit around and punch each other and not complain about it! So this morning when we got to day care he wanted to fight, so I grabbed my camera and caught him in action. He was excited when I showed him the photo for his approval. Now if he bites any ears off then I might have a problem on my hands.

Day 10: Light Up Ball

Hunter loves to play with balls. It is one of his obsessions, when we go to the store he has to buy some type of ball. We went to Target and he found this ball that when you smack it on something it lights up. Well last night we went to the store and he was excited because he could really see this ball light up in the dark. I on the other hand was not to thrilled to be driving down the street with a mini Rave going on in the back of my car! I can't imagine what the other drivers thought when they saw us driving down the street!

Day 9: Art

Ok so I was preparing a healthy meal while Hunter played quietly with stickers. I thought he was just looking at them. He called me over to show me his proud Art work that he did. I actually love it! I do not mind that he put stickers on this stuff because really its kinda like magnets. He was so proud of his decorating that I have decided to leave it up for a little while. I would much rather have stickers on the oven then crayon or marker.

Day 8: New Hair Cut

Hunter needed a new hair cut in the worst way. So off to the kiddie hair cut place. Let me just say that it was the worst experience EVER! He fought, kicked, punched and cried the WHOLE TIME!!! I was so embarrassed and gave the woman a million apologies and a huge tip. I know it didn't make up for it, but it made me feel a teeny tiny bit better. 

Day 7: My View Every Morning

Day 7: My view every morning. It is the best view a mother could ask for. Sometimes its a hard long drive to daycare and work other times we have a blast. This day was great, he was in a super silly mood!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 6: Look mom I made you something!

After a long day dealing with difficult people it's always a pleasure to come home crank up some music and cook. Hunter usually helps me cook but this time he wanted to make things for me. We had these pipe cleaners and he was making me things. He made the sun, a dinosaur, my hair, the sky and for his little girlfriend at daycare a flower. While he was crumpling up those pipe cleaners and so proudly holding them up for me to admire I thought to myself: this is what's it's all about. This is what all the sleepless nights when they are little, the midnight feedings, the growing pains, the barfathons, tantrums that are thrown in the middle of a store making you leave your cart right in the middle of the isle. You power through the hard parts so that when your kids create or do or say something sweet and amazing your world stops and your heart melts. Everything that was wrong no longer matters and the only important thing is me and him.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day Five: Angry Birds Addict

This boy needs a 12 step program and STAT!! Every time he sees our phones he says : "I wanna get pigs mom" Not a day goes buy that he does not play angry birds! The IPhone and other smart phones are a parents saving grace. When we go to stores it distracts him from tearing the store apart half the time. Not only are there fun games but there are some educational apps also and he loves those. Its all in fun, and I know it may not be the best thing for him but it works for us and that's all that I care about!